Thursday, 18 June 2020

St Mary's Church, Hawkedon

We are delighted to confirm that St Mary’s Church, Hawkedon is now open again for private prayer.

There is a bottle of hand sanitiser inside the porch which every visitor should use both on the way in and the way out of the church door. Please try not to touch anything inside unnecessarily. On the font is a pad for visitors to add their name and phone number which will only be used for tracking and tracing should it ever be necessary.

Please ensure that social distancing of more than two meters is maintained if there are other people in the church at the same time.
It is hoped that services will be able to be held again in July but no confirmation or announcement has yet been made.

A notice will be posted on the board as soon as more details are available. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with either David Taylor or Heather Phillips.

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