Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on

Thursday 11th January 2024 at 19:00

Hawkedon Village Hall

1.24.1 Present / apologies

Present: Cllr Jonathan Cawston, Cllr Timothy Cawston, Cllr Phil James, Cllr Ian Trapmore acting as chairman, Cllr David freeman, Parish Clerk David Jarrold. Apologies received from CCllr Bobby Bennett, Dist Cllr Sarah Pugh, Cllr Chris Grey.

1.24.2               Welcome to visitors and members of the public

No visitors or members of the public attended the meeting

1.24.3               Visiting Councillors’ reports

Reports and updates from CCllr Bobby Bennett and Dist Cllr Sarah Pugh were circulated to the council prior to the meeting. 


1.24.4              Minutes of the last Ordinary meeting and the Annual General meeting held on the 26th October 2023.

Minutes were agreed and signed by the Acting Chair.

1.24.5   Matters Arising.

Parish Clerk advised that the final consultation for the West Suffolk Local plan would take place in January 2024. The document will be circulated to the council shortly with flyers displayed on the village notice board and village blog.

Cllr T Cawston advised that he had communicated with the Dist and CClr Councillors regarding the sewer pipe in Cresslands and the matter is resolved. Any future problems will be raised through the parish council.

            1.24.6  War memorial

Discussion took place regarding the war memorial. It was raised at the last Remembrance Day service that the ground around the memorial is now very uneven and access problems are affecting ongoing maintenance of the ground. It was felt that changes to make the memorial more visible and accessible should be considered. Parish Clerk Jarrold has agreed to seek the opinions of villagers. He will also communicate with the war memorial commission, the Dist and CClr to look at potential sources of funding for any works. 

1.24.7              Nominations for Chair and vice chair.

The Parish Clerk noted that contact details for the Parish Council published in the Parish Pump were inaccurate. Discussion took place around the positions of chair and vice chair. It was unanimously agreed by the councillors that the current rotation system with an acting chair selected on a meeting-by-meeting basis was favoured. It was agreed that contact would be directed through the parish clerk. The parish pump and village blog will be updated accordingly.

            1.24.8 Precept

The Parish precept was circulated by the clerk for discussion and agreement prior to the meeting. The precept for the year 2024/25 was agreed and signed off by Acting chair Clr Ian Trapmore.

            1.24.9 Planning applications

No new planning applications were considered. 

            1.24.10 Any other business

Discussion took place regarding road safety cameras in the village. It was agreed that the Parish Council would sign the village up as being a potential site for the number plate recognition camera pilot scheme.  Further discussion and agreement will take place at the next meeting.

            1.24.11 Date, time and place of next meeting. 

The next ordinary meeting and the annual general meeting will take place in June 2024 with the date to be confirmed.

            1.24.12 Close

                   The meeting was closed at 20:00hrs

HAWKEDON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 25th May 2023 at 20:00 Hawkedon Village Hall
Present / apologies

Cllr Ian Trapmore, Acting as Chairman, Cllr Phil James, Cllr Jonathan Cawston, Cllr Tim CVawston, Clerk David Jarrold. Apologies received from Cllr David Freeman Cllr Chris Gray.

4.23.2 Minutes of the last Annual meeting Minutes were agreed and signed by the Acting Chair. Matters Arising There were no matters arising 4.23.4 Report by the clerk Clerk Jarrold gave an overview of the Governance and accounting return for the year. Internal control system The risk assessment was circulated and agreed for the next 12 months Annual Governance Approval The certificate of exemption was agreed and signed by the acting chair and clerk The internal audit report is completed The annual governance statement was read through, agreed, dated and signed The annual accounting statement was circulated and agree, dated and signed Exercise of public rights provision for viewing annual governance and accounting statement The AGAR documents will be published on the website and displayed on the noticeboard for 30 working days between the 3rd July to 11th August as per the guidance from PKF Littlejohn. Any other business No other business Next annual meeting
Meeting will take place in May 2024 date to be confirmed


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on

Thursday 25th May 2023 at 19:00

Hawkedon Village Hall

3.23.1 Present / apologies

CCllr Bobby Bennett, Cllr Timothy Cawston, Cllr Jonathan Cawston, Cllr Phil James, Cllr Ian Trapmore acting as chairman, Clerk David Jarrold. Apologies received from Cllr David freeman, Cllr Chris Grey, Dist Cllr Sarah Pugh.

3.23.2               Welcome to visitors and members of the public

There were no visitors to the meeting

3.23.3               Visiting Councillors’ reports

Cty Cllr Bobby Bennett’s report for February was circulated to the council prior to the meeting. CCllr Bennett gave an overview of the council priorities over the past year. She advised the council that she has a locality budget that is available for capital bids. Hawkedon PC will consider ideas and bring them to the clerk or the next meeting.


3.23.4              Minutes of the last Ordinary meeting 07 March 2023

Minutes were agreed and signed by the Acting Chair.

  1. Matters Arising

Members of the council were welcomed following the elections of

  1.             Register of members interests

Register of interests forms were signed by the respective councillors and the clerk. The clerk will submit the forms to west suffolk democratic services.

  1. Planning applications

There were no planning applications

  1. Any other business

There was no other business

  1. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next ordinary meeting will take place in October 23 date to be confirmed.

  1. Close

                   The meeting was closed at 20:00hrs


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on

Tuesday 7th March 2023 at 19:00

Hawkedon Village Hall

1.23.1 Present / apologies

Cllr Timothy Cawston, Cllr Jonathan Cawston, Cllr Phil James, Cllr Ian Trapmore acting as chairman, Clerk David Jarrold. Apologies received from Cllr David freeman, Cllr Chris Grey, Dist Cllr Sarah Pugh.

1.23.2               Welcome to visitors and members of the public

There were no visitors to the meeting

1.23.3 Visiting Councillors’ reports

Cty Cllr Bobby Bennett’s report for February was circulated to the council prior to the meeting. 


1.23.4 Minutes of the last Ordinary meeting 

Minutes were agreed and signed by the Acting Chair.

  1. Matters Arising

Clerk Jarrold will raise the possibility of inviting the coffee caravan to the village with the village hall committee. 

  1. Precept

Clerk Jarrold advised that the precept for 2023-2024 has been submitted for approval.

  1. Elections

Discussions about the May 4th elections took place Clerk Jarrold will circulate nomination forms and any relevant paperwork as and when it becomes available.

  1. Risk assessment review

The parish council risk assessment was circulated prior to the meeting. The document was approved. It was also noted that the parish council insurance was due for renewal at the end of the month. This will be renewed by Clerk Jarrold.

  1. Planning applications

Planning application DC/23/0334/TCA for tree works in St Mary’s churchyard was circulated prior to the meeting and discussed at the meeting. No objections were received or raised.

  1. Any other business

Cllr Trapmore raised the subject of plans for a proposed solar farm at Boxted Hall advising that flyers had been posted in Hawkedon and a local resident had raised the subject.  It was noted that Hawkedon Parish Council do not hold a position on the proposed development but are aware of it. It also noted that it sits within the Babergh Council boundary.

  1. Date, time and place of next meeting

The joint Ordinary meeting and Annual General meeting will be on Thursday the 25th May.

  1. Close

                   The meeting was closed at 20:00hrs


Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on

Wednesday 29th June 2022 at 19:003

Hawkedon Village Hall

  1. Present / apologies

Cllr Timothy Cawston, Acting as Chairman, Cllr Phil James, Cllr Jonathan Cawston, Cllr Ian Trapmore, Clerk David Jarrold.  Apologies received from Cllr David Freeman Cllr Chris Gray.

22.2                  Minutes of the last Annual meeting

Minutes were agreed and signed by the Acting Chair.

  1. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising

22.4                  Report by the clerk

Clerk Jarrold reported that the hand over from the previous clerk was now complete and apologised for the delay in completing the AGAR for 2021/2022

  1. Internal control system

The risk assessment was circulated and agreed for the next 12 months

  1. Annual Governance Approval

    1. The certificate of exemption was agreed and signed by the acting chair and clerk

    2. The internal audit report is completed

    3. The annual governance statement was read through, agreed, dated and signed

    4. The annual accounting statement was circulated and agree, dated and signed

  1. Exercise of public rights provision for viewing annual governance and accounting statement

                            The AGAR documents will be published on the website and displayed on the noticeboard for 30 working days between the 1st July 2022 and 11th August 2022 as per the guidance from PKF Littlejohn.

  1. Any other business

                  No other business

  1. Next annual meeting

                 Meeting will take place in March 2023 date to be confirmed

  1. Close

                   The meeting was closed at 20:00hrs


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on

Wednesday 8th June 2022

Hawkedon Village Hall

  1. Present / apologies

Acting Chairman Cllr David freeman, Cllr Jonathan Cawston, Cllr Chris Gray, Cllr Phil James, Clerk David Jarrold.  Dst Cllr Sarah Pugh Apologies received from Cllr Timothy Sawston, Cllr Tim caws ton and CT Cllr Bobby Bennett.

  1. Visitors and members of the public

Members of the public Judy Wilson, Barbara McDonald and Rona Shanahan were welcomed to the meeting.

1.22.3 Reports by visiting Councillor

District Councillor Sarah Pugh presented her report, which is circulated with the minutes.

Key points: 

The launch of West Suffolk Local plan consultation which runs until 26th of July. The full plan is available online with engagement/drop-in meetings taking place across the area details of which are circulated with the minutes.

Sunnica energy has launched a new consultation running from the 6th of June to 6th of July 2022 details are available through the Sunnica website Sunnica Energy Farm - Our proposals . Comments can be made directly to Mr Scott Harper 08081687925 or via email The consultation notice is circulated with the minutes. The proposals do not directly affect Hawkedon.

Falcon Saunders the West Suffolk Tree Officer is no longer in post. His role has been temporarily taken over by Dave Beighton and Sarah Drane who will use local external tree specialists when necessary until a new permanent appointment is made.

  1. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 23rd of March 2022

The minutes of the above meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by Acting Chairman Freeman.

  1. Matters arising

Clerk Jarrold is still to contact highways and arrange to discuss the whole area around lower green ford.

Tree works are up to date but is an ongoing project.

  1. Quiet lanes

Discussions have taken place between Cllr David Freeman and Sarah Hopkins, Stansfield Parish Council Chair, David Jarrold, Hawkedon PC Clerk and Cty Cllr Bobby Bennett. 

The road between Thurston end and Stansfield, Hall Lane running into Thurston Lane, is now designated as an official Quiet Lane. Details of this and what it means for road users can be found at

No agreement has been reached on signage at the Thurston end ‘Triangle.’  Hawkedon PC do not support the installation of additional road architecture for any new signage. Cllr Freeman and Clerk Jarrold will continue to liaise with Stansfield PC and Cty Cllr Bobby Bennett to reach an agreeable solution. A request will be made to Stansfield parish council for them to arrange a second site appraisal from highways engineers to look at what needs to be done to enable a small sign to be placed at the Thurston end ‘triangle.’

  1. West Suffolk Local Plan Consultation

Members of the parish council and Hawkedon residents are encouraged to attend one of the drop in events being run around the area until 26th July. Details of events are available through the Hawkedon BlogSpot and at the Village Hall notice board.

  1. Annual Return

Hawkedon PC will arrange an AGM to sign off the annual returns before the 1st of July.

  1. Planning applications

No new planning applications have been received

  1. Any other business

The installation of Rev. Clive Fairclough as the new Rector of the Suffolk heights benefice will take place at Hargrave church on the 21st of June. An invitation for representation from the parish council has been issued and Cllr James kindly agreed look at his availability to attend. 

  1. Date time and place of next meeting. 


  1. Close

The meeting was closed at 20:30


Parish Clerk Jarrold, 10/06/2022


Notice of Ordinary Meeting

Wednesday 23rd March 2022 at 7pm

Hawkedon Village Hall


    1. Present and apologies for absence

    2. Welcome to visitors and members of the public

    3. Reports by visiting Councillors

    4. Minutes of Ordinary Meeting of 20th January 2022

    5. Matters arising

    6. Precept

    7. Jubilee

    8. Condition of road at Lower Green

    9. Quiet Lane Stansfield PC 

    10. Telephone box update

    11. Planning applications

    12. Any other business

    13. Date, time and place of next meeting

    14. Close

Parish Clerk

March 2022


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on

Thursday 20 January 2022

Hawkedon Village Hall

  1. Present / apologies

Acting Chairman David Freeman, Cllrs Jonathan Cawston, Timothy Cawston, Chris Gray, Phil James, Ian Trapmore, and retiring Clerk Rachel Durrant and new Clerk David Jarrold.  Apologies received from Dst Cllr Sarah Pugh and Cty Cllr Bobby Bennett.

  1. Visitors and members of the public

Member of the public Judith Wilson was welcomed to the meeting.

3.21.3 Reports by visiting Councillor

District and County Councillor reports circulated in advance of the meeting.

  1. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 21 October 2021

The minutes of the above meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by Acting Chairman Freeman.

  1. Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

  1. New Parish Clerk

David Jarrold was welcomed to the meeting as new Parish Clerk and thanked for taking up the role.  The retiring Parish Clerk will circulate minutes of this meeting and produce handing over notes for Clerk Jarrold.  She will contact West Suffolk with the new Clerk update and change the signatories on the bank account. Clerk Durrant will copy in Clerk Jarrold with any items she is following up in these minutes.

  1. Precept

A proposal for the precept for 2022/2023 was circulated by Clerk Durrant as follows:

Village Hall hire for x4 PC meetings: £80

Insurance: £176.36

Accrual for defib battery and pads: £40

Parish Clerk remuneration for year: £400

Total: £696.36

This was agreed as the precept to be submitted for the year.

  1. Solar panels

Dst Cllr Pugh had sent emails confirming that the Village Hall as a charity would be eligible for free solar panels. The meeting discussed if the solar panels would be a source of income, would the batteries be free of charge, how long would they last, would there be enough interest to take the project forward?  Judith Wilson said that solar panels had been considered before by the Village Hall but had not progressed due to the conservation area status of the location.  Clerk Durrant had previously emailed Dst Cllr Pugh’s correspondence to the Chairman of the Village Hall as this would be a matter for the Village Hall Committee.  No further action by Parish Council.

3.21.9 Defibrillator – checks and groups

Clerk Durrant circulated a Defibrillator check sheet which the Parish Council needs to complete on a monthly basis, the checks for January have been completed.  The Village Hall carries out monthly checks at the hall, including the defibrillator, the records for which are kept in the kitchen in a folder.  This information can then be copied into the Parish Council check sheet.  Although this appears a duplication of checks, to be covered under the insurance policy the PC is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance, as advised by the PC Insurance Officer at Business Services at CAS Ltd:


“If you are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the defibrillator then liability for the defibrillator will be covered under your policy.”

Ros Collings

Insurance Officer

Business Services at CAS Ltd

Tel 01473 345303


Michael Pearson has set up a Defibrillator WhatsApp Group for the village (advertised in the last Parish Newsletter) and as many people as possible are encouraged to join this group.

3.21.10 Condition of road at Lower Green


Clerk Durrant had checked the status of the works at Lower Green on the Highways reporting tool –  but the jobs had disappeared.  She reported two new jobs for a deep pothole near the bridge (work should be complete by 26 January) and for the footbridge (awaiting confirmation of works to be carried out).


3.21.11 Quiet Lane Stansfield PC


Cllr Trapmore sent an email to the Chairman of Stansfield PC restating that Hawkedon Parish Council do not want additional signage (see last meeting minutes) but as yet has received no response.


3.21.12 Tree overhang


Clerk Durrant had contacted Highways re  cutting back overhang in the village.  Highways has referred the PC to the online reporting tool at  Acting Chairman Freeman to look into.


3.21.13 Conservation area Stansfield Road


Clerk Durrant contacted Suffolk County Council re how the area above had been designated.  A quick reply was received from the new ecologist Lucy Spencer.   The area has been designated as it has sulphur clover present, a near threatened plant which has a stronghold in Suffolk.  Roadside nature reserves (RNRs) are usually identified by the public, a survey is then carried out and if it meets designation criteria, a proposal is made to the County Wildlife Site panel for approval.  If approved it is added to the mapping system.  The PC should have been informed and Lucy apologises if this wasn’t the case.  She will keep in touch if there are any other designations in the future.


3.21.14 Telephone box


Clerk Durrant could not find anywhere to report the poor condition of the telephone box on the BT/Openreach websites.  Laura Whelan is new BT Regional Partnership Director for the East of England but the Clerk could find no contact details for her.  Clerk Jarrold to look into.


3.21.15 Planning applications


A planning application has been received for Spring Cottage for a cart lodge.  It was agreed that the cart lodge appears oversized for the location and prominent with its position on the line of the cottage.  The proposal is more than the size of half the cottage. A smaller proposal set back and moved away from the front of the cottage would be preferred.   The application is missing key documents – a front elevation and street-scene, showing the lodge and cottage side-by-side.  Clerk Durrant requested this on 14 January but has had no response from the Planning department so far.  The Clerk will chase Adam Yancy, who is dealing with this application at West Suffolk, via telephone to urgently request this.  If these documents are unavailable, she will request an extension to the consultation period or ask Adam Yancy how the PC should proceed in this matter.  The Parish Council is not in favour of this application as it stands and would not be able to support it on the documents submitted so far.  The PC is happy to look at the proposal again when full information has been received.  David Taylor, who had contacted the Parish Council on the matter this week, is an architect and will try to speak to Mr Stannard about the application this week and will also try to contact the architect.


3.21.16 Any other business




The postbox on Upper Green has been stolen, along with several other in the locality.  Clerk Jarrold will contact Michael Hogg, Senior Public Affairs Manager at Royal Mail Headquarters, who Cllr Mary Evans had been in contact with previously over the theft and replacement / non-replacement of the Scoles Gate postbox. 


4a Cresslands


David Taylor informs the Parish Council that work on the new house at Cresslands will begin in early February and apologises in advance for the increase in builder’s vans and vehicles coming and going (40 week contract).  He is happy to be contacted for any questions on the build.


Litter pick


Cllr J Cawston suggested another village litter pick.  Cllr Gray to contact Paul Williamson for his contacts when he organised the litter pick so this can be done before the grass grows too long.




Judith Wilson asked if the Parish Council are doing anything for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and mentioned the medals purchased by the PC for the children in the village at the last Jubilee.   The Village Hall is planning a barbeque and picnic on The Green.  Acting Chairman Freeman said that the Parish Council would be available to help in any way they can and would speak to the Chairman of the Village Hall, and the PC would consider other initiatives. 




There is still a vacant position for Councillor on the PC.  It was suggested another representative from Thurston End would be beneficial.


Retiring Clerk


Clerk Durrant was thanked for her contribution to the PC over the past few years.



3.21.17 Date, time and place of next meeting.


The next meeting is usually held in March.  Clerk Jarrold to circulate date options nearer the time.


Closed at 20:10


Parish Clerk Durrant

30 January 2022


Notice of Ordinary Meeting
Thursday 20 January 2022 at 7pm
Hawkedon Village Hall
Agenda 1. Present and apologies for absence 2. Welcome to visitors and members of the public 3. Reports by visiting Councillors 4. Minutes of Ordinary Meeting of 21 October 2021 5. Matters arising 6. New Parish Clerk – Welcome! 7. Precept 8. Solar panels 9. Defibrillator – checks and group 10. Condition of road at Lower Green 11. Quiet Lane Stansfield PC 12. Tree overhang 13. Conservation area Stansfield Road 14. Telephone box 15. Planning applications 16. Any other business 17. Date, time and place of next meeting 18. Close Parish Clerk January 2022


Draft Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on

Thursday 21 October 2021

Hawkedon Village Hall

  1. Present / apologies

Acting Chairman Chris Gray, Cllrs Jonathan Cawston, Timothy Cawston, Phil James, Ian Trapmore, David Freeman and Clerk Rachel Durrant present.  

  1. Visitors and members of the public

New District Councillor Sarah Pugh was welcomed to the meeting.

2.21.3 Reports by visiting Councillor

Dst Cllr Pugh reported to the meeting:  West Suffolk Council has been awarded Regional Council of the Year in the Energy Efficiency Association, East of England Energy Efficiency Awards.

There is a new Solar for Business solar panel incentive whereby solar panels are given free to businesses.  Is the Village Hall a charity?  Dst Cllr Pugh to check if charities eligible.  If not, Cllr Freeman suggested that a company be set up for approx. £500 to rent solar panels which would provide an income for Village Halls across the area, minus a 5% overhead charge.  Cllr Freeman to look into and report back.  Dst Cllr Pugh also to find out if the grant applies to online businesses.  Grants for car charging stations are also available. 

  1. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 13 May 2021

The minutes of the above meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by Acting Chairman Gray.

  1. Matters Arising

Cllr Freeman was happy with the response the Clerk had received from Community Action Suffolk about there being no liability in the use of the defibrillator.  The Clerk will formalise the checks the Village Hall is carrying out on behalf of the Parish Council.

  1. Parish Clerk Vacancy

The Parish Clerk will be working notice until 31 December 2021 and replacement options were discussed.   The Clerk will arrange for an advert to go into the Benefice News and also the blogspot. It was agreed to contact people in the village who may be interested in taking on the role, and also to look further afield if required.  The Parish Clerk stated that due to increasing commitments and increasing PC work, she felt unable to give the role the attention required.  


The Clerk had checked the website link forwarded by Cllr Pugh but could not find any forms to fill out, just local plan information.

  1. Defibrillator training

Imperative Training will be holding a CPR and Defib training course on Monday 25 October.  There are 10 from Hawkedon attending and two from further afield.  Cllr Trapmore suggested creating a WhatsApp Defib Group for those who have been trained and when contacted could take the defibrillator to the person in need.  The meeting agreed that this was a good suggestion.

2.21.9 Condition of road at Lower Green

The road is now in a terrible condition.  Cllr T Cawston said that the handrail on the footbridge has now rotted through.  This would be a Highways issue.  The river is eroding the bank by the footbridge - the River Authority should maintain and dig out.  The road is full of pot holes.  Cty Cllr Bennett has raised the issue with Highways - Parish Clerk to ask Cllr Bennett to chase.

2.21.10 Quiet Lane Stansfield PC


Cllr Trapmore has heard from Chairman Hopkins who said that they are waiting for engineers to assess the signage at Thurston End for the Quiet Lane.  It was agreed that given the comments from Hawkedon PC previously about their objections to any more additional signage, a follow up communication would be sent by Cllr Trapmore on behalf of Hawkedon PC to Stansfield PC saying that if additional signage was necessary, it would need to be erected on the Hawkedon/Stansfield boundary and not on the triangle at Thurston End.


2.21.11 Tree overhang


Cllr T Cawston mentioned the increasing tree overhang around the village; this can be dangerous if meeting an oncoming vehicle.  It is also creating wear and tear on grass banks as vehicles are having to pull over.  Clerk to contact Highways about cutting back trees and hedges.


2.21.12 Conservation area Stansfield Road


Cllr T Cawston mentioned the conservation area that has appeared on the road to Stansfield; why has this stretch been chosen?  How are areas assessed for designation?  No one was aware that an area was going to be created.  The Clerk to contact Highways.


2.21.13 Planning applications


The following applications has been received since the previous PC meeting:

Swans Ley new building, Hawkedon House creation of conservation lake and mound and West View pine tree felling - to which the PC had no objections.  Mulberry Cottage had applied to fell x2 damson trees but due to the plan being unclear as to which damson trees the application related (garden or hedgerow) the PC objected until clarification was received, the hedgerow belonging to Parsons Yard.  The PC has subsequently received photographic clarification from Falcon Saunders at West Suffolk that the damson trees were in the hedgerow but of low amenity value.


2.21.14 Any other business


Cllr James mentioned the telephone box outside the Queen Head – he had been approached by Peter Brown who said it was in an awful state and had asked if the PC had considered buying it for £1. The Clerk said that this is something the PC had considered a few years ago but because there is an operational telephone line this is something that the village didn’t want to lose (particularly in a poor mobile signal area), and the parish would then have to pay rental.  Parish Clerk to contact BT about repainting the telephone box.


2.21.15 Date, time and place of next meeting


The next meeting would usually be in January.  The Clerk to keep in contact about meeting beforehand if required to discuss replacement and any other issues arising. Cllr Freeman thanked the Clerk for her work over the past five years.


2.21.16 Close




Parish Clerk

13 November 2021


Notice of Ordinary Meeting Thursday 21 October 2021 at 7pm Hawkedon Village Hall Agenda

1. Present and apologies for absence
2. Welcome to visitors and members of the public
3. Reports by visiting Councillors
a. Including new lorry route
4. Minutes of Ordinary Meeting of 13 May 2021
5. Matters arising
6. Parish Clerk vacancy
8. Defibrillator training
9. Condition of road at Lower Green
10. Quiet Lane Stansfield PC
11. Tree overhang
12. Conservation area Stansfield Road
13. Planning applications
14. Any other business
15. Date, time and place of next meeting
16. Close

Parish Clerk
October 2021



Click on each page to enlarge

Notice of Annual Meeting

Thursday 13th May 2021 at 7pm

Hawkedon Hall Outbuilding

  1. Present and apologies for absence

  2. Welcome to visitors and members of the public

  3. Reports from visiting Councillors

  4. Minutes of the Annual Meeting 10 June 2020

  5. Matters arising

  6. Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2020/2021

  7. Any other business

  8. Date, time and place of next Annual meeting

  9. Close

Parish Clerk

May 2021

Notice of Ordinary Meeting

Directly following Annual Meeting

Thursday 13 May 2021 at 7pm

Hawkedon Hall Outbuilding


  1. Present and apologies for absence

  2. Welcome to visitors and members of the public

  3. Reports by visiting Councillors

  4. Minutes of Ordinary Meeting of 24 March 2021

  5. Matters arising

  6. Defibrillator training and insurance

  7. Condition of road at Lower Green

  8. Quiet Lane Stansfield PC 

  9. Planning applications

  10. Any other business

  11. Date, time and place of next meeting

  12. Close

Parish Clerk

May 2021

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