Saturday, 2 February 2019

Fund raising....

New Years often bring new challenges and, of course old ones resurface too. Such as raising the money for the Parish Quota or  paying to have church roof tiles replaced.

In Hawkedon we are proud to be thinking outside the box for as well as fetes and jumble sales we do explore new ways of raising funds.

The beginning of February, for example, one of our Church Wardens could be found appearing at London's Barbican Theatre for several nights as an extra in a  production by a Belgian Mime company. He had to perform sweeping  the floor, generally reacting  to stage action and at one stage to take off his trousers.

It has not been vouchsafed whether any of the nugatory fee he was paid for this will end up in Church coffers but if so it must be a first for the village to finesse strip tease into God's money. For the record the name of the Mime company is Peeping Tom.

We have only two Church Wardens. The other is a lady.


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