- A collecting box and poppies will be on the bar at The Queen’s Head, Hawkedon from Thursday 24 October to Tuesday 12 November.
- A box of poppies will be in the church until Remembrance Sunday. Please do not leave money in the church but if you wish to make a donation kindly follow the directions below.
- Donations, in sealed envelopes marked ‘Poppy Appeal’, may be dropped through the Freemans’ front door letterbox at Top Green Cottage opposite the Queen’s Head pub, or through the Ludvigsens’ kitchen door letter flap at Scoles Gate Farmhouse or their marked letterbox on the outbuilding by their side gate on Cook’s Lane. Cash or cheques payable to ‘RBL Poppy Appeal’ are most welcome.
There will be no house-to-house collection but if you are unable to leave your house and would like to make a donation please contact hawkedonsuffolk@gmail.com to arrange collection.
After the Service at St Mary’s Church on Sunday 10 November at 9.00AM there will be a brief wreath laying ceremony (approximately 9-45am) at the village Memorial on the Green.